About megansampsel

Megan Case Photography is all about creating memories for you to cherish and keep forever!

The 52 Project/Week 36

CeeCee has been working all week on creating a special Valentine’s Day Party for you…IMG_5510 IMG_5515 You guys loved every second of your party!IMG_5516 IMG_5524 IMG_5529 IMG_5531 IMG_5532 IMG_5538 IMG_5539 Avett especially loved his card…Avett and the cardHappy Valentine’s Day to my sweet kiddos!  We love you more than words can begin to say…VDay 2015

The 52 Project/Week 35

This week mommy and daddy wrote down some of the ways that we love you onto hearts…Avett’s were on the purple hearts and Cody’s are on the pink hearts.  While you guys were napping I hid the hearts all over the house and we had a scavenger hunt after you woke up!  Whenever you found a heart that was “yours” you ran and taped it onto your bedroom door.

IMG_5465 IMG_5468 We had hearts hidden all over the playroom!IMG_5470IMG_5508 IMG_5507 IMG_5506 IMG_5505 IMG_5502 We could have filled up every door in our house will all the reasons that we love you two!!!



The 52 Project/Week 34

We are gearing up for Valentine’s Day already and decided to decorate some cookies as one of our projects for today!IMG_5479 IMG_5480 IMG_5481 IMG_5483 IMG_5484-2 IMG_5492 IMG_5499-2This may be Avett’s favorite “art” project ever!!!  Everyone ate a lot of icing and sprinkles….not sure that anyone actually ate a cookie.  : )

The 52 Project/Week 31

We’ve had a nice quiet weekend around the house this week…so we decided to make some pumpkin squares together!  Cody helped with gathering ingredients and measuring…Avett, you were quality control on the ingredients.  I forgot how much you two liked pumpkin straight from the can!IMG_20150104_110312 Then, Avett found his glasses again while playing with the play dough.  I love these glasses.IMG_20150104_113615Love you guys-



The 52 Project/Week 30

We’ve had a lot going on this week!  We celebrated our Christmas with Justyce and CeeCee on Tuesday.  IMG_5051CeeCee tried to get all of you laughing and smiling while Mommy was taking the picture…I’m not sure what happened to get this response!IMG_5053Santa made a “trial run” this week at Nana and Papa’s house, so we went to see what he left you you guys!  Balance Bikes!!!IMG_4923 Cody felt like such a big girl in her helmet!IMG_4933 Avett, you took to your bike like a fish in water!  You were amazing zooming around the cul-de-sac with the big kids!IMG_4944 Cody hitched a ride with Dada on one of the big kid scooters…IMG_4940After riding bikes for a while we went into Nana and Papa’s for dinner and Avett was so excited about wearing his helmet that he wouldn’t take it off for dinner…IMG_4948After dinner, Santa came around the neighborhood in a fire truck and gave you guys candy canes!  You were SO EXICTED to meet him!!!IMG_4969 IMG_4968 IMG_4960 Cody you ran over to Santa right away and gave him a big hug!IMG_4955 IMG_4954   A few nights later was Christmas Eve and Nana, Papa, and Uncle Matt came to our house to celebrate!IMG_5066IMG_5072Cody, you really have your “CHEESE” face down for the camera now.  : )IMG_5076Then it was time to get to the good stuff!!!  Presents!IMG_5079IMG_5081We did some woodworking…IMG_5082And Avett tried on princess shoes while wearing his superhero mask…IMG_5094Firefighter Cody to the rescue!IMG_5092IMG_5091Papa tried to wear the Fire Chief outfit, but it was a little small for him…IMG_5090The next morning we had a quiet Christmas morning with just the four of us!  Santa ate all the cookies we left for him and his reindeer ate all of the carrots!!!  Here we are opening our gifts and thanking Santa for all his hard work!